Coronavirus Cases Reported In Shipyard

The company has confirmed four cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) at NNS. The two employees who tested positive have been quarantined and are recovering. Company officials promptly contacted employees who work near those individuals or who came into close contact with them. Subsequently, a small number of employees have been told to self-quarantine as a precautionary measure and to call the clinic for additional guidance. 

This is only the beginning. As the number of COVID-19 cases grows throughout the state, the company expects to have more positive cases confirmed in the shipyard over the next several months. Officials say the company has been planning for the outbreak in the yard and is deciding how best to provide information on new developments.

But NNS President Jennifer Boykin said, “My commitment to you is that as we learn of new cases, our medical team will directly communicate with our employees who may have been put at risk, and we will assess the need for additional cleaning. Finally, we are going to provide more information as details are finalized about options for those who feel at risk in their current work environment.”

A summary of all current leave time options and alternative work options are on the NNS website.